◆ 全国ヴァイクンタヨガ認定講師
◆ ヴァイクンタヨガ全米ヨガアライアンス200時間講師養成講座
【What is Vaikuntha Yoga?】
Vaikuntha Yoga is new school of japanese yoga which was created by Ikki Bando from Okinawa, Japan. He desires to incorporate yoga into our everyday life like brushing of teeth. It aims to bring one’s mind into ‘Sattva’ (i.e. moderation – calm mind) and it is composed of 50 asanas in sequence. By using props (blocks and belts), you can practice yoga more safely and effectively compared with other style of yoga. Props can be used in a variety of ways which brings great effect in body and mind to everyone from beginners to advanced, regardless of your age and gender. Vaikuntha Yoga also looks at a wisdom of traditional Indian yoga to introduces its idea and it is created to fit current Japanese life style and their body and mind. Its excellent method has been widely and rapidly spreading in all over yoga studios in Japan. Some rehabilitation clinics in Japan find high effectiveness and safety from Vaikuntha Yoga and they have started to utilize it as preventive care.
【Vaikuntha Yoga RYT200 Teacher Training Course】 Vaikuntha Yoga Centre (Okinawa) is a registered yoga school by Yoga Alliance (they are internationally recognized organization in the United States and qualify people who met their standard as a registered yoga teacher). the page is here.

古代インド・サンスクリット語で 「永遠不滅の星」という意味を持ちます。
【What is Vaikuntha?】
VAIKUNTHA is the planet where Indian god Vishnu has lived. It means “immortal planet” in Sanskrit. We should take good care of our earth.
2.国、人種、宗教、流派などの違いをこえて 世界中の人とヨガを通してピースに繋がりたいと考えます。
3.「より良く変わりたい」と願う人を応援するため、 「ヨガ的ライフ」を提案していきます。
【Our mission】
1. We encourage everyone to incorporate philosophical idea of classical yoga into our modern life and to “live at the moment meaningfully as a person”.
2. Beyond nationality, race, religious and style, we want to connect with people all over the world in peace.
3. We suggest “Yogi life” from every point of view to support everyone who wish “better life” Press information